Hello Everyone! We will be rolling out our 2nd Mentoring Classes, to the "Spirit & Mind Elevation" transformational program/workshop, with "Lex T." in the following weeks to come! So make sure you sign-up and stay tuned in, for more chance's coming soon to enter Enrollment opening very soon. We Can't wait to see you there! :)
-LEX & The 'RDDC' Team


Sunday, March 29, 2020

#The Retirement Plan.. Is In Motion! (Get The Scoop On It Now!!)

#RDDC'S Great Guest Expert;  "Dr. Sara Zeff Geber, Ph.D., CRC"

Author, Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers

Dr. Sara Zeff Geber, 2018 recipient of the “Influencers in Aging” designation by PBS’ Next Avenue, is an author, certified retirement coach, and professional speaker on retirement and aging. She has developed a niche specialty working with “Solo Agers,” people who have no children or who are aging alone. 
Dr. Geber is the author of the 2018 book, Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers:  A Retirement and Aging Roadmap for Single and Childless Adults, which was recently selected as a “best book on aging well” by the WSJ. With her speaking and writing, Sara has been raising awareness of Solo Agers for the past 10 years. She believes Solo Agers have unique needs in later life that warrant greater foresight and a more robust approach to planning.
Sara is a regular contributor to Forbes.com on the topics of aging and retirement:A sought-after speaker at conferences on retirement and aging, Sara is active in the Retirement Coaches Association, the American Society on Aging, the Life Planning Network, the Transition Network, the Sonoma County Section on Aging, and the Gerontological Society of America.
Though married, Sara considers herself a Solo Ager, since she has no children. She lives with her husband in Santa Rosa, California.

Find me atwww.SaraZeffGeber.com




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