Hello Everyone! We will be rolling out our 2nd Mentoring Classes, to the "Spirit & Mind Elevation" transformational program/workshop, with "Lex T." in the following weeks to come! So make sure you sign-up and stay tuned in, for more chance's coming soon to enter Enrollment opening very soon. We Can't wait to see you there! :)
-LEX & The 'RDDC' Team


Saturday, April 20, 2019

#3 Ways Lying To Yourself Can Hurt You And Your Happiness

It’s not uncommon for us to lie to ourselves. You’ve done it, I’ve done it, everyone’s done it. But is it healthy? That’s the question we’re going to answer in this article.

Whether or not you knowingly lie to yourself, the truth is that it’s an unhealthy practice. The human mind is a master of self-deception. You can easily convince yourself to believe something is true even though deep down you know it’s not. Here are 3 ways self-deception is hurting you:

1. You’re causing yourself unnecessary pain
It’s tough not being true to yourself. Instead of doing something you really want to do, you’re stuck doing something you hate. Why? Because you’re afraid of the consequences.

You’re probably doing it out of respect for someone else, but you forget that you’re also disrespecting yourself in the process. You probably think people are going to treat you differently if you don’t follow the norm. That may be true, but you really don’t need to put so much weight on what other people think of you.

2. You’re sacrificing your true happiness
When you lie to yourself, you’re basically hurting yourself and sacrificing your true happiness. This is especially true in romantic relationships. You convince yourself you’re happy with someone when the truth is that nothing can be further from the truth.

In the case of abusive relationships, the abused partner will often cover up and make excuses on the abuser’s behalf. They’ll tell themselves their partner loves them when in reality, they know it’s not true.

But they’re too afraid to go out on their own, so they sacrifice any chance of happiness they may have if they leave their unhappy relationships!

3. You’re not letting yourself get what you deserve

Putting someone else’s welfare ahead of yours is a very noble gesture. However, if you’re letting yourself get trampled in the process, then that’s not a good thing.

You tell yourself you’re happy with the way your life is right now, and your dreams can wait. But, can it really wait?

If you constantly let yourself down and you settle for whatever comes up on your way, without fighting for what you want, then you’re ultimately sacrificing the things that will make you truly happy in your life!

1 comment:

  1. Lying is a big issue.Lie actually devastates people's lives. In my culture people often say that : if you tell a lie for someones' good then lying is good.But what I believe is that lie is lie , its a negative act which cannot produce positive results.
    I do agree with your article, lying to ourselves are like trying to deceive ourselves. Our tendency is to hold onto the falsehood which will do no good but definitely harm us in a long run.Many times when we receive feedback which are genuine but blunt, we cannot take it so we decide to fool ourselves and believe that there is nothing wrong with us. But people who are successful I think are true to themselves. Lying to ones self also brings down the morale.There should be rooms to stop this kind of behavior. Nice read
